Saturday, July 5, 2014

Pleasing Others

People Pleasers
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”  Bill Cosby

“In trying to please all, he had pleased none.” Aesop 

“We played the flute for you, but you did not dance. We sang a dirge but you did not weep” Luke 8:32

                Sometimes you just can’t win.  If you have ever worked in any type of customer service job, you know this truth all too well.  If you’ve ever had friends on both sides of the political spectrum, you have probably walked the delicate line in social media of posting materials that will neither cause an outrage with conservative friends or with liberal friends.  Perhaps that’s why we see so many pictures of adorable cats, it’s impossible for us to talk about the complicated issues without spiraling into discord, but we can all laugh at Mr. Whiskers doing something silly… well except for that one person who hates cats (you just can’t win). 
Adorable animal photo, because we all love animal photos.

                I really love the quote from Luke, it was the gospel reading at service this week, and it is applicable to everyday life.  Jesus points out the hypocrisy he is encountering: when John the Baptist deprives himself the people believe him to be possessed by a demon, but when Jesus comes and breaks bread, showing appreciation for life, people believe him to be a glutton.  Sometimes we try too hard to please everyone, and we fail miserably.  Often times we are so focused on doing the popular thing, the thing that people want; we fail to do what people need.  Worst of all it is easy to lose sight of who we are when we devote too much of our focus on the opinions of others.  

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” Lao Tzu 

                Focus not on what is favorable or popular, instead, focus on who you are and sharing your God-given gifts.  It’s hard not to strive to please others; we humans are social by nature.  The difference between pleasing others and helping others is immense.  We can’t always please everyone; if you try you just can’t win.  When you live your life according to God’s will and remain true to who you are that is when you will gain something deeper than approval, you will gain the love and respect of those who see the beauty God has created in you.